We have now moved to an electronic system, so all renewals going forward will be done through the website.
Please follow the instructions below to gain access to your account and renew your membership.
You can now access your account by using your member number or the email that was provided to us when registering.
You will not have a password set for you yet so you will need to reset your password first before being able to access your account.
You can do so by clicking the ‘Forgot Password’ link at the bottom of the membership login page or visiting this link.
After resetting your password, you can log in via the membership login page here.
To renew, you will need to first go to your subscriptions tab here.
And then click on ‘Cancel‘ to cancel the existing offline subscription that we processed manually:
After doing that, you will be prompted with another button to ‘Subscribe‘. Clicking that button will then direct you to a payment screen to pay and renew:
Any future membership renewals will then be processed automatically unless your membership has been cancelled.
Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association Inc. (QMHOA) is an organisation dedicated to protecting the rights and interests of manufactured home owners in Queensland.
We assist members in understanding the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 which governs residential parks and the site agreements (contracts) made under that Act, especially in relation to the settling of disputes between home owners and park operators.