QMHOA Special Bulletin 12 June 2023
AGM Save the Date and C-RIS Update
Upcoming AGM Tuesday 22 August 2023, 10am at the Learning Hub, 4 Caboolture.Dear Members 12 June 2023 Your Association’s Annual General Meeting this year will be held at Caboolture Learning Hub, 4 Hasking St., Caboolture at 10am on Tuesday 22nd August 2023. Please note the date in your diary. At this meeting the current Interim Committee (Joint A R P Q & M H O A) will stand down and those members present will elect the Management Committee to take our organisation forward for the next year. The Committee will consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and up to 7 committee members. Nomination forms will be circulated in late July and we urge all members to consider nominating. This past year has seen a couple of resignations for a variety of reasons so we will be looking forward to an injection of new blood. Most meetings are held online (Zoom), which means that committee members can be based anywhere in the State without the necessity of travel. Your basic involvement consists of about 2.5 hours a month for meetings and other matters considered by email. With the Government currently looking at a review of the Manufactured Homes Act, the coming year will prove to be interesting to say the least. If you believe strongly in pursuing these reforms or have any experience that could be valuable to our efforts, please consider joining us in our work to protect the interests of home owners in residential parks. Your QMHOA needs you. Please consider joining our committee! Update on QMHOA C-RIS Feedback ResponseQMHOA is working on our feedback for the C-RIS. We have had a lot of comments and feedback from members and we are putting that together. We are hoping to have a draft to you in the the next few days for you to review. We would like as many home owners and HOC’s as possible to send feedback to the Department, both individually and through Home Owners Committees. However, we suggest that you hold off sending your feedback until you have seen and reviewed our QMHOA Draft response. We welcome any and all feedback, comments and suggestions to president@qmhoa.org.au or click on the button below. We welcome any and all feedback, comments and suggestions on the above and the C-RIS document generally to president@qmhoa.org.au or click on the button below. Roger Marshall | President QMHOA Keeping Manufactured Home Owners in Queensland Residential Parks informed and represented. |
Sharing information and keeping homeowners in residential manufactured home parks well informed is an important part why the QMHOA exists.
We ask all members receiving information from us to consider printing a copy and sharing it in some way with your neighbours and friends who are not yet members.