QMHOA Special Bulletin 14 June 2023
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Community workshops
for manufactured home owners open.
13 June 2023 Dear Members Please see below an invitation to home owners to attend and participate in one of seven consultation workshops that the Department of Housing are organizing in relation to the recently published Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement on site rent increases and sale of home (C-RIS). Some members may have received this invite already directly from the Department. It has been sent to those who said they wanted to be consulted further as part of their response to the Issue Paper last year. These facilitated workshop sessions are an opportunity for homeowners to have further input into the shaping of reforms to the Manufactured Homes Act in addition to completing the Department’s feedback form or via a written submission. QMHOA encourages all interested members to register your interest in taking part in the workshop in their region. We particularly call out to our Association and HOC members to try to ensure that their park is represented.
Roger Marshall | President Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association Inc. QMHOA Please keep reading
Manufactured home owner workshops openYou are invited to attend community workshops for the manufactured homes consultation. Your participation in the community consultation workshops, taking place throughout June, will help the Queensland Government to design improved options that can make a difference. We will discuss the nature and extent of the challenges in Queensland’s manufactured home parks and where policy changes are most needed. It will also provide an opportunity to voice your concerns and provide feedback. You can register your interest to join the workshops in:
The workshops are intended to be informal, with opportunities to discuss the options in small groups, and each workshop is expected to run for approximately 2.5 to 3 hours. These sessions are for manufactured home owners only and park owners will not be attending. All discussions and views presented at the workshops will be treated in confidence. To join follow the button below to register your interest. Please RSVP by Wednesday 14 June. About the manufactured home consultation Many home owners in Queensland residential (manufactured homes) parks are currently experiencing challenges with increased site rents, delays in selling homes, and the level of information provided by park owners. The Queensland Government is looking at options to tackle these issues and improve outcomes for manufactured home owners. To give feedback and for more information visit qld.gov.au/manufacturedhomesfeedback or for assistance call 13 QGOV (13 74 68). The consultation closes on 26 June 2023. Please note the workshops held after this date will still have feedback included in the consultation. Further details Any questions about the workshops please email: manufacturedhomesfeedback@au.ey.com or phone: 07 3243 3657. Registering your participation will help us organise the workshop and make it more valuable for everyone. If you are a member of an association or group representing the interests of manufactured home owners, you may receive this invitation twice and we apologise if this is the case. Please do not respond to this email to attend the workshop, register here. We welcome your participation in the workshops and look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards, The Department of Housing Roger Marshall | President QMHOA Keeping Manufactured Home Owners in Queensland Residential Parks informed and represented.
Sharing information and keeping homeowners in residential manufactured home parks well informed is an important part why the QMHOA exists.
We ask all members receiving information from us to consider printing a copy and sharing it in some way with your neighbours and friends who are not yet members.