QMHOA Special Bulletin 26 June 2023 – C-RIS Feedback Response QMHOA Submission

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QMHOA Special Bulletin 26 June 2023

QMHOA’s FULL response to the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (C-RIS) regarding site rent increases and sale of homes.

26 June 2023

Dear Members

This Bulletin contains a link to a copy of the written response that QMHOA has submitted to the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (C-RIS) on proposals to address concerns about site rent increases and sale of homes in residential parks.


The comments made and positions taken on the proposals put forward in the C-RIS in this response are basically the same as those summarised in our draft response which we emailed to members in a Special Bulletin two weeks ago.  In this final version we have added evidence and arguments to support our points of view on the value of proposals that are made and whether we consider them to be sufficient to fully meet the concerns that home owners have.

As I believe will become evident to members who read our response, QMHOA believes that if the package of proposals in the C-RIS were adopted they would go some way to addressing home owner’s concerns. As they stand at the moment however, they are likely to be only partially successful in doing so. We believe that more can, and should, be done when amendments to the Act and Regulations are finally put to parliament.

I would like to acknowledge and thank all of our members and other home owners who have submitted a written or feedback form response of their own. QMHOA believes that the more people speak up and share their views on these matters the more likely it is that changes will be made.

I would also like to thank the many members who have emailed us via me and our secretary with messages of support, encouragement and feedback on the draft response we shared in our previous Bulletin.  My apologies for not being able to respond to all of them individually, the past few weeks have been pretty busy ones.

Finally, for now, we at QMHOA would like to remind everyone that giving feedback to the C-RIS proposals is far from the end of our campaign to get changes to the Act and Regulations. In the next few weeks, we anticipate asking as many members as possible to try to write to or organise meetings with their local MP to make sure they are fully aware of and informed of both our concerns and what we want to see done about improving the proposals made in this C-RIS.

Watch out for future Bulletins on the key messages we want MPs to hear.

To contact us about our Submission email president@qmhoa.org.au or click on the pink button below.

Roger Marshall M.Ed. PH.D. | President
Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association Inc.
Interim Management Committee


Keeping Manufactured Home Owners in Queensland Residential Parks informed and represented.

Sharing information and keeping homeowners in residential manufactured home parks well informed is an important part why the QMHOA exists.

We ask all members receiving information from us to consider printing a copy and sharing it in some way with your neighbours and friends who are not yet members.

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