QMHOA Special Bulletin 18 May 2023 C-RIS Initial reactions
Our Initial Reactions to the Government Proposals for Reforming the Act: Disappointment, Concern, Disapproval.
Dear Members Thursday 18 May 2023 The QMHOA Committee met this afternoon and discussed the proposals for changes to the Manufactured Homes Residential Parks Act in relation to site rent increases and sale of homes which are outlined in the Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (C-RIS) which was published by the Government on Monday this week. The purpose of this message is to alert you, our members, to our initial negative reactions to the proposals contained in the C-RIS. Sadly, I have to report to you that though there were some aspects of the package of preferred options for reform that are outlined in the report that appear to be reasonable and welcome, we are far from happy with it overall. We are extremely disappointed that the major arguments and suggestions for reform we submitted to last years “Issue Paper” on the key issue of how site rent increases are calculated, do not appear to have been heard or fully considered. If they have, they have obviously been rejected. It is our view that in the package of options put forward as being preferred by the Department, they go out of their way to protect the interests of park owners, but not those of home owners. We are very concerned that if these options are adopted and implemented, the overall impact on the financial wellbeing of many home owners will be a negative one. It is the intention of our committee to share with our members a brief explanation of the reasons behind our objections to the package of preferred options as soon as possible. We will subsequently provide you with a copy of our draft response to the Department for your information and feedback We are very much aware of the importance of making sure that the reforms to the Act are done properly this time. We have had to fight hard to get the Government to look again at our concerns after the last set of reforms in 2017. It could be a long time before we get another chance like this one. As we stated in the Bulletin we sent out announcing the release of the C-RIS on 16th May, we want to see as many of our members and other home owners making submissions. However, we also think that it is important not to rush into making submission before we have had a chance for discussions and debate amongst ourselves as home owners on the merits and demerits of what is being proposed. We need as many of our home owners as possible to support our efforts to let the Government know what is needed to address our long standing concerns. We urge you, our members, to:
Roger Marshall | President Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association Inc.
Sharing information and keeping homeowners in residential manufactured home parks well informed is an important part why the QMHOA exists.
We ask all members receiving information from us to consider printing a copy and sharing it in some way with your neighbours and friends who are not yet members.