Bulletin - Qmhoa in the media
28 November 2023
QMHOA President, Roger Marshall speaks on ABC Radio about concerns of home owners, the C-RIS and when the Minister might be making announcements re changes to the Manufactured Homes Act.
Roger Marshall, our QMHOA President, is being interviewed on ABC talkback Radio Brisbane Mornings with Rebecca Levingston at 8.45 am on Wednesday 29th November 2023.
It would be great to have as many members as possible listening in.
The producers of the show have told us they are hoping to contact the Minister’s office for information regarding further announcements about the upcoming D-RIS (Decision Regulatory Impact Statement)
Update 8-1-24: The recording link has now expired.
Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association Inc.
Management Committee
Keeping Manufactured Home Owners in Queensland Residential Parks informed and represented.
If you are not a current member or have not renewed your membership and would like to, please contact our membership coordinator at membership@qmhoa.org.au
Sharing information and keeping homeowners in residential manufactured home parks well informed is an important part why the QMHOA exists.
Please consider sharing this information in some way with your neighbours and friends who are not yet members.