NOTICE OF AGM 2024, GENERAL MEETING & Call for Nominations for Committee Positions
Wednesday 28 August 2024, 10am to 10:30am start
Caboolture Hub (Learning and Business Centre)
4 Hasking Street, Caboolture 4510
The Committee of QMHOA invites members to attend the association’s Annual General Meeting.
The AGM will be followed by a General Meeting of the Association to allow for discussion of matters raised by members. As well as attending the meeting in person members will also be able to participate on-line via a live streaming of the two meetings on Zoom. For those attending in person light refreshments will be provided after the meeting.
Members are invited to provide agenda items for the General Meeting via Maggi at Email: or Ph: 0407 570 691 by Wednesday 7th August 2024
Members who intend to attend via the on-line option are asked to RSVP to our Admin
Officer Maggi at Email: or Ph: 0407 570 691 prior to the meetings. Interested members will be supplied with the Zoom link information. For those not familiar with using Zoom, Maggi will also provide assistance if required. Members intending to attend in-person are also asked to RSVP for catering purposes.
At the AGM all committee positions will be declared vacant, and we now call for nominations from members prepared to serve on the committee. Our monthly meetings are held via Zoom video conferencing which removes the need for committee members to travel to meetings and enables members not located centrally, the opportunity to nominate for a position and participate in the affairs of the Association.
Nomination forms are attached, and we urge all members to consider nominating so our important work can continue.
Please ensure that nomination forms are returned to the Secretary via Maggi at Email: or Ph: 0407 570 691 by 7th August 2024. A ballot will be held if the nominations received exceed the number of positions available.
Sue Gregor,
12th July 2024
Link to committee nomination form.
Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association Inc.
Keeping Manufactured Home Owners in Queensland Residential Parks informed and represented.
Sharing information and keeping homeowners in residential manufactured home parks well informed is an important part why the QMHOA exists.
Please consider sharing this information in some way with your neighbours and friends who are not yet members.
If you are not a member and would like to be, please contact our membership coordinator at
or sign up online HERE