Advocating for Manufactured Home Owners - Redland City News
Hello members and friends,
QMHOA In the Media at Redbank Palms Seniors Expo October 2023.
Below you can find an article on the Redlands City News website about QMHOA following conversations that Roger Marshall, QMHOA President and Noel Wright from the QMHOA Committee had with the paper’s editor at the Redbank Palms Seniors Expo and subsequently with reporter Ellie Webster who wrote an article which was published 12 October 2023.
A NON-PROFIT volunteer organisation is giving a voice to manufactured homeowners living in retirement complexes with the key hope of regulating site rent increases.
Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association (QMHOA) executives have been visiting local villages to explain what they do and to build their membership numbers…
Click on the link below to read the full article on the Redland City News website.
Advocating for Manufactured Homeowners (
Queensland Manufactured Home Owners Association Inc.
Management Committee
Keeping Manufactured Home Owners in Queensland Residential Parks informed and represented.
If you are not a current member or have not renewed your membership and would like to, please contact our membership coordinator at
Sharing information and keeping homeowners in residential manufactured home parks well informed is an important part why the QMHOA exists.
Please consider sharing this information in some way with your neighbours and friends who are not yet members.